Saturday, February 9, 2013

Losing Weight for Young Girls

Being aware and conscious about your body figure is normal that is why most girls go on a daily diet and watch over their weight. But young girls nowadays are into model-like bodies. These days, there are lots of ways on how to lose weight. You can go on a diet but living a healthy life and there are ways where you can lose weight easily but has a negative effect to your health.

I was in the middle of my free time, which I usually spend in social networking sites, when I saw some photos that led me to the article The girls living on just one meal a day: Teens risk health to copy stick-thin celebrities. The survey that was conducted by  Exeter-based Schools Health Education Unit to 32,000 young girls or teens ranging from 10 years old to 15 years old shows the statistics about skipping meals and losing weight. The following details are the summarized percentage:

14-15 years old
26% don't eat breakfast
22% skip lunch
10% skip both
10% overweight or obese
58% wanted to lose weight 
1% (around 3000) were using laxatives
18% of boys tried cannabis
17% tried cannabis
3% of boys tried cocaine
2% of girls tried cocaine

12-13 years old
20% skip breakfast
14% skip lunch
52% wanted to lose weight

10-11 years old
70% skip breakfast
40% believed they need to be slim

Majority of teen girls also believed that they need to be slim

Thin models and celebrities are said to be one of the reasons for young girls to be slim. Because of being so weight conscious, they even skip breakfast or lunch, and worse, both meals. Older girls and boys also try different drugs for easy weight loss. And there is still an increase in number of girls who are getting aware of their physical appearance.

The writers of the article, Laura Clark and Steve Doughty added "Experts warned that erratic meal patterns at such a young age could lead to girls developing eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia or compulsive eating as well as health problems associated with them as the body is deprived of nutrients." Can you imagine eating just one meal a day? They are still kids and that shouldn't be the issue that they are worrying about in their age. Health experts advised that this kind of diet or weight loss will be the cause of some health problems and eating disorder especially to teens in which the body is still adjusting and there is in need of more energy. 

Who would have thought that these young girls are skipping meals instead of enjoying sweets like the usual kids? They are too young for this but because of the idea of perfect body brought by fashion models and celebrities, teens think that this idea could give them an ideal body.

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